
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Smartphones and Social Media Student Views

Students’ use of smartphones ranges from academic purposes to social media. Four Michigan State University students spoke about their smartphone usage and habits:

Lauren Keiser, a MSU psychology student and owner of the popular iPhone said she mainly uses it to send emails, stay organized and keep up on social media.

“I don’t watch a lot of TV so [social media] is my source for current events… it’s like the world is at my fingertips," said Keiser.

Freshman crop and soil major Emily Cole said she agrees and because college does not leave her with a lot of opportunity to watch the news, her phone becomes her source for current events.

MSU psychology major Aubrey Gilliland said she uses her smartphone for social media and academic purposes, but that being in constant contact with everything through her phone can get annoying.

Gilliland also said her smartphone can be a distraction but that it depends on the size of the class. “I’m less likely to use [my smartphone] in smaller classes but in big lecture halls it is tempting,” she said.

Maria Cotter, a freshman food science major said she finds herself on twitter in her science classes.

Watch our interview with Maria Cotter and Emily Cole here: YouTube

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